13 October 2011

R2-D2 Ice Cube Trays

So cool!  But don't we all have ice makers in our fridges now a days?

Who would have thought in a million years that a movie franchise such as Star Wars would end up being super profitable, never mind that the prequels that came out a couple of decades after Episodes IV, V and VI disappointed certain quarters? Well, the merchandise from the Star Wars universe over the years certainly added quite a handsome amount of dough into George Lucas’ bank account, and it seems as though this particular gravy train is not going to stop anytime soon.

The latest to roll out from the Skywalker Ranch would be these R2-D2 Ice Cube Trays, and the name itself is pretty much self-explanatory. These ice cube trays will feature the shape of everyone’s favorite astromech droid, R2-D2, where you will be able to freeze four small Artoos at once in addition to a large version, making it the perfect kitchen utensil to own whenever you want to throw a party for your friends who are absolute Star Wars fanatics.

At $9.99 a pop, surely this is not too much of a burden on your monthly finances?

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