I couldn't help but repost it. Reposted from Disgrasian.
There will, heaven willing, be a million and one video responses to Alexandra Wallace’s now-infamous rant about Asians in the library. The racism, ignorance, and overall stupidity of the video have been–due to the rapidfire responses of whip-smart netizens–in many ways reclaimed or reappropriated. Also, like it or not, “Ching chong ling long ting tong” has (rather ironically) been cemented in the Asian American vernacular (and we have the t-shirts to prove it).
But I must say that the best counterattack of Ms. Wallace’s awfulness isn’t an attack at all. It’s a love song.
I literally have not stopped singing this chorus for over 24 hours, and I have to admit I kinda don’t feel so angry anymore. All I wanna do is hug on Jimmy Wong.
Jimmy Wong*, FTW. ForThefuckingWin.
*Did you know: This is AMAZIAN Freddie Wong‘s bro? Coolest, funniest, awesomest, rockingest family EVAR.
Thanks, everybody (lots of you love this video)!
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