Perfect for the geek in your office...
I hope you aren’t too upset when I tell you that this is merely a concept, and I’m guessing that the gun in the photo is nothing more than some sort of mock-up.
So you can forget about your dreams of shooting post-its until you have covered up a man. (Think about the poster for Office Space if you need a visual aid.)
This is what the designer Alex Marshall does want to do with it:
This concept would contain an air reservoir which could be either battery or mechanically powered and a mechanical arm to push the post-it from the magazine… I did some basic testing and found that it would require a significant amount of air without this arm separating it from the post-it stack so this justifies the arm.
I believe this would shoot rolled up Post-its, really. Nothing that you could really write on, maybe.
I guess I just have a dream of stalking people with a gun that would allow any message I want to be stuck to them. Of course, I would have to write those messages in advance, wouldn’t I?
Yeah, this Post-it gun is just not as cool as I wanted it to be.
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