27 February 2011
Starbucks Dog of the Moment
Notice I changed the name... It seems not as consistent as before but it's still nice to see how many different dogs live on the upper east side.
12 February 2011
Hot Slut Of The Day!
I know it's just plain immature of me to snicker but who can't???
The Harry Baals Government Center in Fort Wayne, Indiana! This is more of a wishful thinking Hot Slut since the new civic building in Fort Wayne hasn't officially been declared as a tribute to Harry Baals even though over 10,000 residents want to make this happen! But the city isn't exactly feeling the thirst for Harry Baals and they're trying to get out of plastering his beautiful name over the front of their new building. Harry Baals HATERS! No, this Harry Baals controversy is not sponsored by the writing team of SNL.
Harry Baals was the city's longest serving mayor in the 1930s and many fair citizens of Fort Wayne still get a warm tingle in their hearts when thinking about Harry Baals. Fort Wayne already has a Harry Baals Drive (please tell me it's right below White Shaft Way), but the city is afraid they'll really become the 'butt' of jokes if they name the government building after him too. Or maybe they just really don't want John Travolta trolling around their building with a can of edible shaving cream.
The city says it's probably not going to happen, but we all should stand up for Harry Baals anyway. If we don't! Who will? (Answer: Even in this age of waxing and plucking, a lot of sluts will still stand up, kneel under or get on Harry Baals). Hopefully, the city gets the NADS out of their brains, comes to their senses and hears the voice of the people! The voice that is shouting for Harry Baals! Just ask the anchor at the beginning of this clip. Her eyes are going CRAZY for Harry Baals.
09 February 2011
Hello Kitty Anatomy Doll
Yes, this is just weird.
What are those supposed to be in her tummy?
Ok, this is just weird. We've seen Hello Kitty EVERYTHING but now there's a medical doll that shows the vinyl doll's insides titled 'Anatomy'
Medicom Toy parterned with a Dr Romanelli for the “Anatomy” doll with a cut-out to show Hello Kitty's internal organs. And even her guts are cute, with smiles and bows, in bright, cheerful colors. I'd worry if pre-med students were using this doll, othewise they would be looking for my purple kidney with a pink bow.
For everything Hello Kitty, check out Sanrio.
Shoot The Web With M&Ms
This is the coolest thing! I downloaded it on the computer at work, good fun.
Yeah, this is some viral marketing BS but it is, to be fair, fun. M&Ms in Denmark have prepared a violent game involving two M&Ms who move through the Internet, destroying things like a pair of bulbous Natural Born Killers.
How does it work? It’s basically a bookmarklet available here that you drag to your bookmarks bar and run when you hit a particularly graphics-heavy web page. Then these two mini-Kalis will fly through your web page, laying waste to all that exists.
And remember, kids, next time you think of M&Ms you should think of intergalactic warfare.
06 February 2011
Star Trek Interactive Tribbles
Sooo awesome! Hahaha! This was one of my favorite episodes.
Just some background information on Tribbles for those who do not follow the sci-fi series – an enterprising trader named Cyrano Jones in the 23rd century procured an interesting and adorable little creature, where they helped people (at least most humanoids) feel calmer, and were known as tribbles.
These tribbles, however, outdo rabbits when it comes to procreation, and proved to be quite a challenge to contain since they multiply at an incredible pace. We’re talking about filling up a whole cargo hold in just three days! Good to know the one you purchased is “genetically altered” (some say manufactured) to be sterile, and you need not rush to the nearest Ikea store to buy new wardrobes and store these away.
Coming in 12″ and 6″ sizes, they are powered by AA and AAA batteries respectively, making Tribble sounds when jostled. To turn off their sound making ability, just flip a switch and you’re good to go.
Movie of the Week
This is an older movie but a "cool" take on the Romeo and Juliet theme. It's kind of a cute romantic comedy but with modern music to appeal to the young crowd. Starring Heath Ledger in his younger days, you can see how he was just naturally talented in any roll he played. Enjoy!
From Crackle: A Knight's Tale
Bear Getting His Teeth Brushed
Hee hee. Bear doesn't look like he's enjoying it very much. Maybe they should get the liver flavored paste next time. Then again I think Bear's teeth are whiter than mine.
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